The economic situation can be complicated by the end of month, would be good that it now takes precautions that are on time. It attracts opportunities your life opening doors to the newness. Today it is the da...
Saturday January 18, 2025Although some worries that they will have to do to a great extent with his dominant character, arriving at understandings, finally you will be able to enjoy his companion. The result, the product of this conjug...
From January 13 to January 19You have to drive out those secrets and rumors that crowd into the heart. Or else the guilt and remorse will undermine our happiness and expectations. You have to let out what the end will be in the public doma...
January 2025The presence of Saturn causes Capricorn to have a difficult beginning of the year. Capricorn is one of the most organized of the zodiac signs, meticulously plans every area of their life and do not like the...
Capricorn Annual Horoscope
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